Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pictures from Katie

These are some pictures from Katie. They are from the MTC and Galveston. The discription is under the picture! Enjoy.
Katie, Amis, and Sister Campbell. (Their first baptism)
Huge Cockroach

Sister Hammar and Sister Campbell outside the Houston temple.

Katie and her district at the NASA museum

Katie and her first feild district

Katie and a girl from her district in the MTC

Katie's district in MTC

Some sisters in the MTC

Katie and a Sister from Peru

Katie and her MTC district at the Provo temple

Katie and her first companions at the MTC

Katie and her district at the MTC

Thursday, October 15, 2009

News from Texas

There's this family that we go to, they're in active, and EVERY time I come in, thier little parakeet thing finds me, climbs up me, and come sits on my shoulder, and it knows i'm affraid of it! it makes everyone laugh everytime. haha.

It cooled down a little bit, but it's still humid, so it gets sticky and gross. everyone keeps sayin git'll get cold, really cold, like 30 degrees plus humidity, but whatever. but I am from Idaho, so I laugh in the face of cold, haha.

WEll, the people we want to progress are Jose luis, Mandy, Gabriela, Mary Beth Frisch, Mireya, and Israel. But we talk to 20 a day sometimes, when we don't have appointments. I always thought it'd be more, but we're always in the car, and we have appointments. but walking to and from, we always talk to people.

I love the Latino people more than anything. : )

Love Katie

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Staying Put

Transfers are Thursday the 24th but Katie received a letter from her mission president saying she is staying in Galveston. She had mixed feelings but thinks something good will come from it.

She did predict her come home date will be the 30th of Dec 2010.

From Katie:
-We went with the english mission president and his wife to the NASA space museum. It was cool
-There was a mexican ward member who made tamales for us, and man they were sooo good

She said life is going great and she wants chocolate! LOL

15 months to go!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2 week update!

Random thoughts from Katie in Texas:

The ocean isn't that amazing, haha. tiny tiny waves, and the sunset is usually covered by clouds, so we just see this purple pink cloud mixture. sometimes the sun is bright orangey-pink, but it's tiny. the sun is bigger in idaho, haha. or the west, haha. we just run along the seawall everymorning. it's so stinky here, haha.

we are riding bikes because it's the only area in this mission that requires bikes and cars, to save miles, because our area used to be two areas (eng and spanish) that's why i'm not learning much spanish. so it's a lot to cover with bikes. but i like it as long as i know where i'm going!

Yes, Texas is hot. The trees are weird, and the air is smelly and thick, haha. I def miss the clear mountain air at home. But you know, my skin isn't dry so there. haha. I have to say this does not look like texas, it looks like an island. which it is. run down and old from the hurricane! The thunderstorms here are cool. we see them from afar off and don't get much rain whihc is good, becasue i don't have a jacket or coat or anything! just a paraagua. (umbrella). I ate chicarrron (tell dad and scott that) and menudo.

these people (many of them) just live in tiny run down houses. one bedroom, sometimes no couches, paint peeled off the wood...many are humble. the rest are catholic. hehe. the baptists are more willing to open up. the methodists and lutherans are firm in their faith. but we work with all.
where i'm at in texas, people call us darlin' and say y'all but i haven't seen a single cowboy.

Cristian is SO cute! 7 years old, and just so kin to everyone. we found out he brought pocicles to his nieghbors cuz he saw little kids there. but i think he was too shy to give them to them, so he left them on the porch, and the bugs got into them.

tell everyone i love them !

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Katie arrived in Texas on the 11th! She is loving it so far. She is in Galveston. It is an island off Texas. (google it!) She is loving it!! She and her companion are the only sisters that get to ride bikes and she loves to ride bikes.

They have been fed by the members twice now and Katie has loved everything she has had. Quote, "It was soooooooooooooooooo goooooooooood. I thought it was Delicious!"

Story: One of my favorite people is Alejandro. His son is 5-ish and Alejandro plays the guitar, and Christian sings with him, and it's cool. When we go over to teach, they play and sing for us. and, Alejandro is just ready to hear the truth.
Quotes: They gave us this mango popcicle thing cuz it was hot outside, and it was good, too. haha. we talk to EVERYBODY. and I love that.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

3 hours to TEXAS!!

Katie left the MTC early this morning and arrived at the SLC airport. She got to call home and actually ran into an old friend, Brady, who let her use his phone to call us! Thanks Brady.

Katie said she is ready to be out of the MTC. She is ready to be out teaching and out of Utah. She is nervous for Texas but also anxious. She had a rough week because two girls in her district had mishaps (one stepped on a piece of glass, and I dont remember what the other had) So Katie and her companion had to help those two girls out.

Her bags weighed 27 lbs and 47lbs! She was under the limit but her companion was not so she had to help her a little bit :)

She said she will miss the mountains.

quote: "i cant tell you how excited i am to teach"


"the girls in my room have stinky feet" this one mad us laugh so hard!! We feel so bad for her!

more to come with her next letter!